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Saturday, 2 November 2013

दीवाली का त्योहार

दीवाली का त्योहार कारटीक महीने के अमावस की रात को मनाई जाती है। इंगलीश कैलन्डर के अनुसार यह त्योहार अक्टूबर या नवंबर महीने में मनाई जाती है।
दीवाली संस्कृत का शब्द है जिसका अर्थ है दीपोंवालीं अर्थात दीपों का त्योहार। दीवाली अंधेरे पर प्रकाश की, असत्य पर सत्य की और झूठ पर सच्च की जीत का प्रतिक है। इस दिन दिया में तेल, बती डाल कर जलाया जाता हैं।
दीवाली पूरे भारतवर्ष में एक जैसे ही मनाई जाती है लेकिन दीवाली से संबंधित काहानियां हर प्रांत में थोड़ी-थोड़ी अलग होती है।
एक मान्यता के अनुसार दक्षिण भारत में कर्नाटक में एक बाली नाम का राजा हुआ करता था जो बाहुत शक्तिशाली था और अपने शक्ती पर अभिमान कर लोगों के परेशान और सताया करता था। उसके इस दुष्टटा के लिए भगवान ने उसे दंड देने की सोची और एक दिन भगवान ब्रह्मण के रूप में राजा बली के पास आया और उससे भिक्षा के रूप में तीन पग भूमि मांगी। बाली ने तीन पग भूमि देने के लिए तैयार हो गया। फिर भगवान ने अपना साक्षात रूप धारण किया और अपने पग बढाकर एक कदम में स्वर्ग लोक, दूसरे कदम में पाताल लोक लेकर पूछा तीसरा कदम कहां रखूं? तो बाली ने अपना सिर उनको कदम रखने के लिए आगे कर दिया। तभी से बुराई पर अच्छाई की जीत के लिए दीवाली मनाई जाती है।
उत्तर भारत में दीपावील का त्योहार श्री राम चन्द्र का लंका पर जीत के बाद 14 साल का वनवास काटकर अयोध्या लौटने की खुशी में मनाया जाता है।

Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Healthy fruits which are popular in cold and winter season

We should include rich Vitamin 'C' fruits in our diet while winter season by which our body saves from cold and flu. These fruits increase our immune system of body during winter season.
Generally oranges are found easily in winter season which can include in our diet. Oranges contains vitamin C and anthocyanins, that is use full to cure skin roughness and heart problem as well as we protect from cold and flu. is second best healthy winter fruit, which are used in our diet. It has rich quantity of iron, polyphenols , phyto chemicals, antioxidants and Vitamin C. High fiber content found in pomegranates that is useful in cardiovascular diseases. Its juice is very helpful for anemic patients and protects our body from damaging free

Grapes also referred to as wine fruits, can be eaten raw or included in salads. Grapes are healthy winter fruits that are good for skin, heart, and other illnesses problems during winters. Grapes contain high amount of anti oxidants and are rich source of vitamins A and B1, B2 and potassium. These fruits increase our immune system of body during winter season.

Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Benefits of banana for skin

Benefits of banana for skin:
Banana fruit has nutrients that are important for the skin. Large amounts of vitamin ‘C’ and ‘B6’ found in bananas which is very useful for skin.
skin care by bananaAs well as, the large amount of antioxidants and manganese present in banana this protects the body damage caused by oxygen free radicals. So we should take banana daily, consequently we get a younger looking skin. There are 75% water is in banana. Its help hydrate our skin and save it from dryness and diseases.

Banana use for natural moisturizers:

banana for skin careBanana is a great natural moisturiser for skin. The Vitamin ‘A’ present in banana which helps restores the lost moisture and repairs the damaged, dull and dry skin. To directly moisturise dry and dull skin, crush a ripe banana and apply it on your face. keep away from contact with eyes. Leave it on your skin for 20-25 minutes and then wash it away with lukewarm water. You will directly feel skin looking soft and supple.
If you are suffering from extremely dry and flaky skin, you can also add honey to above face mask. This banana and honey mask also helps to cure skin pigmentation.

Another easy face mask to get moisturised skin is to mash half a ripe banana and mix it with 1 tbsp. yogurt and 1 tsp. Vitamin E oil. Apply it generously on a clean face and wash it away after 30 minutes.

Monday, 28 October 2013

Dite for beauty and fitness

Beauty and Diet:
Healthy and beautiful body is necessary for human body because the Body is the temple of soul. If you want to make healthy and fit, you should take Sound sleep, physical labor, exercise and balanced diet.   all these play an important role in physical and internal beauty. Being healthy, you will be active and always feel fresh and a natural glow will be always on your face.
balance diet is for health
Balance diet plays important role in building our body healthy and beauty. Our body gets energy by taking food. If you want to make healthy, you should take pure, clean and balanced food. Carbohydrates, Proteins, Vitamins, Fat and minerals are all necessary for growth and develop of our body.

Thursday, 12 September 2013

Yoga Tips: An evolving remedy

 it is remove all types of diseases specialy neck problemFor all those who remain just circumvented with allopathic and other treatments to stay physically fit or toned, can now ideally find yoga an interesting domain to choose it for their fitness. Yoga earlier had a restricted recognition, though it’s one of the oldest and most highly practiced processes by gurus, and trainers thousands of years ago. Years have passed but still the efficacy of yoga just remained the same and so is its magnificence.

Yoga never had a tainted image, it always existed but the awareness amid the populace was little less. Yoga has been an exercising mode which is chosen to keep the body parts efficient, it involves assimilating of energy through meditation and then discharging it to all the body parts. Yoga tips are considered an ideal choice for most of the youths and other age groups.

pranayam is a technique of taking breath activitiesNeedless to say but today Yoga has occupied a major position and has motivated huge population number to stay fit. Yoga postures have been there in the old scripts and are highly practiced today by high number of the population. Yoga postures can be inculcated in daily life to stay free from various hazards related to health as in stress, stomach problems, breathing issues, toning of body, mental pressure and much more.

Yoga has gained world-wide recognition today and all at overseas too prefer yoga for safe treatment of internal disorders along with external too. A prolonged exercise process for paralysis can too be a feasible treatment for the patients long suffering from such physical trauma.
diseases care by yoga posture

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